What does a nursing home care plan consider?

home care plan

care Home care is the care of a person with special needs so that they remain at home and do not have to be hospitalized.

It can be someone who is aging, a person of any age recovering from surgery has a chronic illness, or has a temporary or permanent disability.

Home Care Services May Include:

  • Personal care, such as help with bathing, washing hair, or dressing
  • Home care, such as cleaning, yard work, and laundry
  • Cooking or delivering meals
  • Health care, with different types of home health aides.

In this article, we will refer to the existing options for home nursing care.

Home Health Care:

nursing home care

Home health care also encompasses a wide range of care services to keep the patient at their highest level of function, health, and comfort. Home care is a collaborative effort involving the family, physician, and an interdisciplinary home care team. It is a cost-effective alternative to prolonged hospitalization, rehabilitation, or a nursing homestay. Additionally, patients generally feel more comfortable in their own homes, and studies have shown that they recover faster at home.

This health care can be comprehensive, where there is a family doctor who coordinates a whole team of health professionals, such as:

  • Nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Biochemists
  • Nutritionists
  • Geriatricians
  • Dentists
  • Speech-language pathologists, etc.

In general, they are contracted through agencies that are charged with guaranteeing the quality of the service. All professionals go to the patient’s home to provide their service. It is the type of service chosen in-home hospitalizations or palliative care.

Also, the family doctor, the patient, and their relatives can opt for a type of partial home care, usually covered by nurses. It is the option chosen especially when it comes to recovering from surgeries, chronic patients, or for the treatment of pain. The rest of the daily care is covered by family members and by doctors and independent professionals.

Nursing Home Care: What Does It Consist Of?

Home nursing is a specialty of nursing. This type of care is provided by a registered nurse who visits the patient at certain times of the day, as needed, to perform nursing procedures. The rest of the day the patient is assisted by relatives, therapeutic caregivers, or nursing assistants.

Home care nurses have a wide range of duties and services and are always advised and consulted with GPs and other medical professionals on the patient’s condition, providing feedback on any possible changes that need to be made to the plan. of attention.

Nurses can also create care plans to achieve goals based on the patient’s diagnosis. These plans may include preventive, therapeutic, and rehabilitation actions.

Some of the most common services included in-home nursing care are:

  • Tracheostomy care
  • Oxygen supply care
  • Respiratory treatments (nebulizations)
  • Catheter and ostomy care
  • Gastrostomy (feeding tube) care
  • Nasogastric tube care
  • Administration of medications and injections
  • General health monitoring and preventive care to promptly address any new medical conditions that may arise.

A typical visit by a visiting nurse when caring for a patient would consist of assessing the patient’s condition, taking vital signs, such as blood pressure, and taking care of the wound, if necessary. You can administer prescription medications at the time they are needed. It could also monitor bedridden patients for sores and muscle weakness. He would then write and send reports on each visit to the patient’s doctor, or record them in a notebook. If he identifies any care or patient progress issues, he would make recommendations about changes in the patient’s care plan.

The visiting nurse also talks with the patient’s relatives, informing them of their condition or any changes in their evolution.

Non-Home Nursing Services:

Regardless of the number of hours a nurse spends caring for a patient, there are services that they do not provide because they are not part of their profession. For example:

  • House cleaning and laundry
  • Grocery shopping
  • Cooking
  • Accompanying the patient on social outings
  • Providing rehabilitation equipment
  • Pedicure or manicure

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